About The Devil's Advocate

Welcome! The Devil's Advocate is a monthly newsletter that brings together curious individuals (what if everything you know is wrong?) to explore fascinating topics and engage in meaningful discussion. When you subscribe, you'll become part of a community that values diverse perspectives and encourages thoughtful discourse.

How This Works

  1. Subscribe and Pay: Use the sign up form below to join the mailing list. There is currently a monthly charge of $5USD for all subscribers. The purpose of the fee is to foster a sense of commitment with the idea that if you pay, you'll expect to have your ideas heard alongside everyone else's and therefore be more likely to contribute rather than merely consume.

  2. Monthly Rhythm: Once a month, we'll send out a newsletter with three components to all subscribers. First, a carefully chosen prompt or thought-provoking question. Second, responses to the previous month's newsletter. And third, selected follow-up content from earlier newsletters.

  3. Your Thoughts: When you receive the month's topic, you'll have a week to respond with a well-reasoned, thoughtful answer. You don't need to contribute every month, but you must submit something of substance at least once every six months or your membership will be canceled. Don't worry, we'll remind you before you lose your subscription.

  4. Curation Process: We'll aggregate and summarize the responses into a beautiful, highly readable long-form article, highlighting different perspectives and key insights. Individual contributors will be assigned pseudonyms for attribution purposes.

  5. Engage and Digest: You'll be able to read the curated article the following month, along with any follow-ups to the previous month's topic and the next challenge. Let's bring our collective intelligence, diverse viewpoints and creative energy to the surface and learn from each other.

Join today and play The Devil's Advocate!